题 目: Understanding Human Diseases through Tandem Repeats, Alternative Polyadenylation and Liquid Biopsy
报告人: Wei Li (李蔚), Ph.D.
Grace B. Bell Endowed Chair and Professor of Bioinformatics, The University of California, Irvine
时 间: 11月8日(周五)10:00-11:00
地 点: 吕志和楼B101
主持人: 韩敬东 教授
Tandem Repeat (TR) variations are underutilized in medical diagnostics despite their potential impact on human traits and diseases. We recently developed the TR-Atlas (Cell 2024), which includes data on 0.86 million TRs from 338,963 diverse individuals. Utilizing TR-gnomAD as a control, our analysis of undiagnosed patients has identified several TR variants potentially linked to disease phenotypes. Additionally, our work on alternative polyadenylation (APA) has uncovered numerous APA-linked risk genes for complex diseases. Our advances in DNA methylation analysis have also led to multiple US patents and the development of a liquid biopsy technique for early detection of liver cancer, which is nearing FDA approval. Together, this talk will explore how these cutting-edge approaches are transforming our understanding of disease biology and driving the future of precision medicine.
李蔚博士是国际知名的生物信息学专家,美国加州大学(尔湾)医学院生物信息讲席教授,本科毕业于南京大学物理学院,获得中国科学院生物物理研究所博士学位,并在哈佛大学医学院Dana-Farber癌症研究中心进行博士后研究。李博士曾任华大基因生物信息室副主管,参与并主导多个中国早期基因组项目。在过去20年中,他在生物信息学算法、表观遗传学和大规模数据分析方面取得了突出成就,尤其是在利用大数据挖掘解释复杂疾病如癌症、衰老、渐冻症等。他开发的MACS算法已成为CHIP-SEQ数据分析的标准工具,被引用超过16,000次。李教授的实验室与多家国际一流实验室和生物科技公司合作,致力于发现新的致病机理、疾病早期诊断生物标志物和开发新型RNA治疗药物。李蔚教授目前已发表200多篇研究论文。其中35篇通讯作者文章在Nature, Cell & Science以及其子刊发表。论文总引用超过7.4万次(H-index 高达98)。李蔚教授过去的学生已经有11位在一流研究型大学(包含哈佛医学院)获得独立PI的教授职位,3位获得了中国国家海外优青头衔。实验室详情参见:https://sites.uci.edu/weililab/